Saturday, November 2, 2013


      Yesterday I had a great surprise!  The girl I like, Sienna, who is one of Lil Miss Epic's friends, asked if I wanted to date her.  I made plans for that the next time I saw her, but although they are ruined, it's fine.  It just means I can surprise her later.  My face must have been really red.  I am really happy that she asked, and it makes me happy that we really do both like each other.

      I was able to play with one of my best friends, Connor, yesterday.  We played Minecraft and Team Fortress 2, but Team Fortress 2 had issues so we really didn't get to play that.  I enjoyed spending time with him.  I've known him for a long time, and even though I had to move away, we still are best friends.  I'm happy that I know him.

      For a story, I will tell you how I met Sienna.  Over the Summer, my brother and I were invited to go to the mall by Little Miss Epic, my step-sister.  We both accepted, and there we met Dawson and Sienna.  I found out that I liked her after we went to see Equestria Girls (I'm a Whovian first, but I do like MLP).  I also found out that she liked me.  Well, as you can see from above, we really do like each other.  I am grateful to know her.

1 comment:

  1. You need to come up with a slogan for your blog! it'd be pretty freaking cool!! Kind of like how mine is "inspiring my inspirations"
