I have a had a mix of things preventing me from being able to post things recently. To begin with, Driver's Ed and the fact that I decided to do Foot Ball for the heck of it (which means I've been exercising, and I've ended up really sore (especially my legs!)). Driver's Ed was in the morning, starting at 8:30 A.M., while the school's workout room was open at 6:30 A.M. Needless to say, I haven't really had much time. And then, on Monday, I had camp out with my Scout troop. It was fun, besides the arguing. Oh, and different. I'm used to not many people liking me, it's just how it has been for years. However, everyone, I kid you not, likes me in out troop. Apparently, when I wasn't around, people would ask where I was (I was informed of this by my younger brother). The last night we were there, we all saw a storm coming. And, between one and two hours later, it hit us. I woke up around 12-12:30 A.M. due to the storm, when the others were either awake or being woken up. The tent was shaking, some rain was getting in, and later, one of the polls holding our tent up bent the wrong direction. I had to hold that up so it didn't collapse on us, and waited for it to fix itself instead of forcing it up. I also decided something to, if someone was scared out of the five of us, to keep them calm. I started to sing hymns. Everyone else that knew the ones I sang, sang with me. Two hours later, when it was a bit more calm, the senior patrol leader went into the motor home (which, unless we had to, we weren't allowed inside), and asked the scout master if we could sleep in there due to the storm. According to our senior patrol leader, we had quite a bit of water inside our tent. I checked that in the morning, and I'm not saying I think he was lying, but there was little water in the tent. Mainly just a few spots, but you could tell by my stuff that there was a lot of rain. My wallet was wet, inside and out, and everything in it, and my scriptures were as well, but thank goodness they can still be read. It affected the Old testament, I haven't checked the New testament, but not the Book of Mormon or anything past it.
Since that is already a large paragraph, I'm going to continue Driver's Ed here. That was in total a twelve day class. We took tests every day, but that's because we had twelve days to take nineteen tests, including the handbook test. I passed all of them my first try (unless you count the first one where he didn't realize there were seventeen questions, so people only answered 15 (he was using a thing where you had a remote and you pushed the button with answer you choose, and it showed that you had selected an answer (but not which one), and just about everyone failed (you need an 80% or higher), and every one knew something was off (I knew something was off before we finished, because I had pressed the button to go further, and saw sixteen and seventeen)) We all retook the test, and just about everyone passed.)
Other things that have happened are that I finally used the warranty on my 3DS, since my R button stopped working. It works just fine now, which will be very useful for all the things I will do. Mainly, I think I will get back to Petit Computer and do some more programming.